We also took out the pompoms from the sensory table and put shaving cream inside.
We've also been playing, coloring, making collage, and more fun!
We've also started learning about upcoming holiday Rosh Hashana. We learned two songs.
Dip the apple in the Honey
Make a Bracha loud and clear
L'Shana Tovah U'Mesuka
Have a Happy Sweet New Year
And we learned..
The shofar in the shul goes toot, toot, toot
toot toot toot
toot toot toot
the shofar in the shul goes toot toot toot
on Rosh Hashana morning
We tasted honey and saw how sweet it is. We tasted lemon and saw how sour it is.We preferred the sweet honey. We tried apple dipped in honey.
Rabbi Naftoli came by at lunch and blew a real shofar for us!
A big Mazel tov to Joshua! We had our first birthday party!