Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Fire Station Trip

This week, we have been learning about fire fighters and the fire station. We learned that fire fighters are our friends and help us out. We learned that they have a special number 911.

We painted a red fire hat for us to take home.
We acted out being fire fighters. We practice calling on our pretend phone 911. Then, our fire fighter friend came with their "water hose" and they sprayed the flame out with their water sprayer.

calling 911

Fire Fighter Aaron coming to the rescue

Fire Fighter Elana putting out the fire.

"Help Me!!" these are the words we learned to use when we call 911

Fire Fighter Levi is happy to help us.

Eliyahu giving high five to the fire fighter.

Joshua is trying on a real fire hat!!

Brave Madeleine got to sit in the fire truck!

Thank you fire fighters for teaching us that fire fighters are our friends .

Ronit trying out a real fire hose.

Yaelee trying out a real fire hose.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Happy Birthday Esty!

Mazel Tov Esty!

Here are some cute pictures of us enjoying playtime!

Our school

We started learning about our community. We started by discussing that we all come from home to Mazel Day school every day. We looked at pictures of different vehicles and the children told us how they get to school and with who. We saw a picture of a car, minivan, school bus, train, and bicycle. Some children have big sisters or brothers who go on the school bus and were excited to tell us. We then asked the children "who helps you at home?"" who gives you supper? who gives you a bath?" The children quickly told us "Mama and Papa". Then we asked, what about when you get to school who helps you in school?" "Morah Perel and Morah Bella"
We then talked about how there are many people in school that help us out. We went around school and found the different people that help us out and they told us how they help the school.

We also discussed that we have a special person in school who fixes things when they break, Mr. Gena.
On Thursday, Mr. Gena brought his tools to school and gave a demonstration on how he uses his tools and the children each got a turn! The children were mesmerized.

We also continue to review the shape of circle.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Chanukah Activities and Winter

We had so much fun in our last week of school and Chanukah. We made donuts and played dreidel. We match different color dreidels to our color circles.

We started learning about winter. We learn a song about a snowflake falling from the sky. As the snowflake falls, it lands on one of our friends.

Snowflake, snowflake
little snowflake
falling from the sky
snowflake, snowflake,
little snowflake
falling, falling, falling, falling 
falling on my nose/knee/foot/hand/head

We also made snowflake collages out of shaving cream with glue, packing peanuts, cotton balls, and silver sequins.

We each took turns looking out the window at the snow.

The sensory table is full of packing peanuts. Our room looked like it was snowing! 

When we came back from vacation, we were so excited to play with them!

We also learned the color orange. We mixed red and yellow paint and made goop. We also learn the shape circle. We learned a song about circles. Its to the tune of the wheels on the bus.
The shape of the circle goes around and around
around and around 
around and around